giovedì 5 novembre 2020

Coronavirus, the red regions in Italy

 "The yellow area, with moderate criticality, includes Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Liguria".  Also Tuscany, Molise, Marche, Sardinia and Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria in the yellow area.

 Even the Veneto and the provinces of Trento and Bolzano, as announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on TV, fall within the yellow area with the "softer" restrictive measures provided for in the Dpcm.

 "In the orange area, with medium-high criticality, there are Puglia and Sicily".  "Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Valle D'Aosta fall within the red area", explained Conte.

 "The orders of the Minister of Health will not be arbitrary or discretionary because they will incorporate the outcome of the periodic monitoring carried out jointly" with the "representatives of the Regions", underlined Conte at a press conference.

 "Already this week we will bring to the Council of Ministers, we will have to do it tomorrow evening, a new decree law" for refreshments.

 "Once the" restrictive measures "system has been shared, the consequences are automatic, because they are based on predefined and objective criteria that escape any bargaining. You cannot negotiate or bargain on the skin of citizens, Speranza nor the presidents of the individual  regions, there will be a dispute, because the ordinances are made after hearing the president, but not negotiated with the president ".

 "At this moment I am not giving you a figure, it is clear that the Accounting Office is working but certainly there are adequate funds for the decree. They could be in an amount of 1.5-2 billion", Conte said at the conference.  "If there is a need to have additional resources, we must also be ready to present ourselves in parliament for a possible new deviation, but we have not yet decided because, according to what they told me, the appropriations are there", he adds.

 "Self-certification is linked to bans. Self-certification goes in the red areas when you leave the house, as well as between Regions and Municipalities", explained the Prime Minister at a press conference from Palazzo Chigi.

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