sabato 7 novembre 2020

Lotito speaks: “Even in the vagina of women there are bacteria“

 Lotito speaks: “Even in the vagina of women there are bacteria.  But not all are pathogenic "

 Interviewed by Repubblica, Claudio Lotito had his say on the tampon chaos at Lazio.  What he said?  More or less like this: “What does positive mean?  Positive means contagious, right?  There are also bacteria in the vagina of women.  But not all of them are pathogenic ”.

 "There are three cards to play - added the patron -.  Tare is also positive.  Today no one tells you whether it is infected or not.  There is uncertainty in the interpretation of the results ".

 "Immobile was evaluated by the doctor, he remade his sporting fitness and lung capacity at rest and under stress, he was better than before", continued Lotito, talking about the situation of the Biancoceleste bomber who tested positive for the N gene and used  anyway in the training match.

 "Another player who had tested positive in the Uefa tests went to make a swab on his own - he added, pointing the finger at the reliability of the Uefa tests -.  And it was negative ”.

 Then some considerations on the decision to give the Futura Diagnostica of Avellino the task of processing the team swabs, underlining that first the Spallanzani and then the biomedical Campus were taken into consideration.

 “Can you imagine the people in line and us passing by?  I didn't like it to be thought that players had a preferential lane compared to other citizens ”, explained Lotito to motivate his choice.

 Finally a jab at Urbano Cairo: “He hates me to death after he lost to me, his newspapers attack me for this.  But he always loses, he is the last in the standings ".  (Source: La Repubblica).

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